Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First game this Saturday at 9:00 AM!

Just an FYI that the game this Saturday has been moved up to 9:00 AM at Goalgetters Park on Field 2.
Also, next Wednesday I'm going to be in Chicago for work so Kurt Wilker will run the practice in my place. However he'll need to start a little later, so he'd like to practice from 4:45PM until 6:00PM. If some of you need to leave early, that is fine.

Friday, April 10, 2015


The fields at Manitowoc Lutheran HS are waterlogged and the organizers there have emailed me to cancel the game and reschedule it for June 13th. FYI.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

GoalKeeper Clinic

Reminder that the GoalGetters GoalKeeper clinics begin this Tuesday at GoalGetters Park with Coach Billy Jones. Any GoalGetters and Lake-to-Lake players interested in learning about goalkeeping are welcome to attend.

Here are some good videos that should prepare you for a lot of what Coach Jones will be covering in the weeks to come. This first one covers catching techniques, obviously important:

The key is to get your body behind the ball as much as possible in case the ball gets through your hands.

This next one covers what to do once you have the ball in your hands. Kids almost always want to punt the ball, but that should be the last resort. I'd much prefer a (fast) bowling pass to a teammate on the near touchline (sideline) and then dribble and pass up:

Monday, April 6, 2015

Practice Today!

Reminder that there will be practice tonight for the 3rd/4th grade rec team at Madison Elementary. This one is at 5:15pm and will go for an hour.

Also one FYI is that the game on April 18th has been moved up to 9AM due to field accomodations.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Passing Drills

This video has a great set of passing drills that the kids can work on at home with a friend. Even if they can just work on the first drill of passing and receiving it will help a lot:

Right now I don't want them trying chip/aerial passes though. Focus on accurate ground passes.

Dribbling Drills

This is very similar to the dribbling drills that we covered in our first practice and we'll be coming back to. Encourage your boy or girl to get out in the backyard and work on these drills at home. It is especially important to use just the right and then left foot, to force them to learn to use all parts of the foot to control the ball.